
After 3,425 km (2,128 Miles) I’m back at my parents house in Cramlington.

Ive felt great all week ,but now I’m back all of a sudden I feel drained. I got back to my parents house at 11am ,and it was SO GOOD to see them and my dog Mitch.

ImageThis afternoon, I have downloaded all 787 photos from my iPhone to my laptop, and tonight I’m going through them with my elderly dad who has not had the chance to see any of my trip blog. I have very mixed emotions about being back at my parents and it will take a few days no doubt to get to grips again with the reality of everyday life.

I  will do an evaluation blog, by The weekend, I plan to start work again next week, but for now I need some adjustment time.

There are a lot of Thank You’s to be said, some special memories to recollect, and share, then thats my blogging over. I have a life to rebuild.!

2 thoughts on “Home

  1. If you are anything like us, you will feel really shattered in the next few days. Don’t know why it happens but it always does. Mind you are quite a bit younger than us , so it may not be so bad. Ease yourself back into work gently.
    Best. Wishes

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